Who We Are

Once upon a time I had the distinct privilege to work for a Brigade Commander by the name of Leon E. Salomon.  A Colonel when I knew him, he went on to retire as a full General.  He was everything an officer should be.  He was, first and foremost, a gentleman.  He was well read.  He was articulate.  He cared deeply about his officers, and just as deeply about his soldiers.  He also knew what he was doing.  He in every way represented the model for officership (and for being a good human being). *

On several occasions I had the opportunity to hear him speak at dinners, or to a civilian group.  On two of those occasions he used the same speech, challenging his listeners to examine themselves in a way I had never heard before, or since.  It stuck with me. **

His assertion was that we define ourselves by what we do with our:

  • Spare Time
  • Spare Money
  • Spare Thoughts.

Think about that, but only after you brace yourself for the truth you may find in it.  It is a profound approach to self examination.   And I know that was his intent – to encourage those listening to him to go off and ask themselves the tough questions about themselves and deal with the answers to those questions…answers that they may not like so much.

His speech examined each of the three areas – time, money, thoughts – to help the audience think through them.  I will defer on that.  My plagiarism (and memory) extend only so far.  I think you can do that for yourself.  If you are like me, you may be less than pleased with the answers.

So take a minute and do that today.  Ask yourself what you really do with these three “spares,” and if you are ok with that.  And then, if you are supremely ambitious, change it if you feel the need.  And good luck with that!  Diagnosis and repair are two different things.IMG_8191.jpg


* Leaders in any walk of life should fit this mold, but I would be lying if I professed that they all do.

** I tried to make contact with General Salomon to ask his permission to use his speech here but was unable to find a way to contact him.  I do hope he approves.


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